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Payment Policy

Payment Policy

All our Sugar Plum studios are cashless, accepting only credit card payments.

I’m trying to book online and it asked me to input a credit card. Am I going to be charged when I book this?

  • A valid credit card is required to hold the time slot for your appointment.

  • The card will not be charged until your service is complete. The only time a card would be charged outside of this, is if the No Show Policy has been violated.

  • We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure.

I called to book an appointment and the receptionist is asking me to provide my card payment details over the phone. Do I have to give my credit card information to book?

  • A valid credit card is required to hold the time slot for your appointment.

  • The card will not be charged until your service is complete. The only time a card would be charged outside of this, is if the No Show Policy has been violated.

  • We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure.

I’m ready to check out for my service, but I don’t have a credit card on file or on me. What do I do?

  • You will be receiving a call from our Customer Care within 24 hours of your appointment to process payment over the phone. You may not book any future appointments until due payment has been received.

  • If you have a card on file, it will be charged for the unpaid appointment.