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Sugaring is an ancient art of hair removal. Consisting only of sugar, water and citric acid, the sugar paste is spread onto the skin (molding) and removed (flicking) by snapping the wrist, lifting the sugar off the skin and taking the hair with it. Sugar is all-natural, kept only slightly warmer than room temperature (no burning), lifts only dead skin (no bruising or tearing), and can remove hair as short as 1/4 of an inch long – making sugaring a superior service to waxing in nearly every way. Additionally, the hair is removed in the direction of growth, virtually eliminating breakage and ingrown hairs. For the great majority of our guests there is little to no after care and, as it is reported to cause less discomfort, those who have tried both generally prefer sugaring. Over time, you may notice a significant reduction in the amount of hair in regularly sugared areas.


The short and sweet of it is, everyone's hair grows differently. Typical hair growth is somewhere between 4-6 weeks. If your hair growth takes longer than that, talk with your sugarist and we can get you set up with an appointment schedule that best fits your hair growth.

Some cycles of hair growth will return every 4-6 weeks, some every 1-4 months, and some every 6 years. So when your sugaring technician thoroughly removes every single hair they can see, in a week or so more growth could be popping up that wasn't even visible at the time of your service.

Most people have three phases of hair growth: Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. This is complicated hair science language for baby hairs, full grown hairs, and hairs with sheaths. The anagen phase of the hair is the most variable stage of growth, from birth to puberty. So the hair could be entirely beneath the surface of the skin or almost full grown. Both catagen and telogen hairs will be visible and easily removed. After your first appointment, our Fresh Follow- up service makes it possible for us to catch any of those anagen hairs that emerge a week later.

When it comes to hair removal, it will take about 4-8 visits before all cycles of hair growth are present simultaneously so we can remove them in one fell swoop.


The three major differences are:
(1) Sugar is only heated to body temperature, so there is no chance that your skin will be burned with a hot product.
(2) Sugar paste will not stick to live skin cells and easily dissolves in water.
(3) The hair is pulled in the direction of growth, fully removing shorter hairs than waxing and without breakage.



Q - How much does it cost?
A - 
Refer to our online booking page.

Q - What forms of payment does Sugar Plum take?
A -
We maintain paperless sugaring studios, so we take credit cards as payment. We do not keep cash in the studios or take checks.

Q- Why can’t I book long services online? 

A- Long services are booked through Customer Care to ensure a single technician does not get overworked. Anything over 2 hours in length can be difficult for the guest's body as well, so our Care Team ensures breaks and services flow around the schedule.

Q- Why do I have to split the service’s between 2 sugaring technicians?
The health and safety of our technicians is our top priority and we have found that working with one technician for over 2 hours can cause injury. We ask that you call to book these services at 206.512.3033 to make sure the services are evenly distributed. 

Q - Can you sugar everywhere?  
A -
Just about. Everywhere except the scalp, beard, inner ears and nostrils. 

Q - Can my hair be too long to sugar?
A -
Let us take care of you. It's what we do! If you're lacking landscaping, don't worry! We have trimmers, sugar paste, and trained professionals prepared for every service.

Q - What happens if I am running late?
A -
 We understand that life and traffic happen, so please call us. We are usually booked solid and need to keep on time for our next guest. We'll do our best to accommodate you and complete a full service, but we can't guarantee it and may have to give you a modified service.  If you want to have your full time just ask to reschedule your appointment. 

Q - Does sugaring hurt?
A -
Honestly, it depends on the person. The first time is the hardest, and it only gets easier from there. On repeated visits within 4-6 weeks, the hair follicles will be smaller and the bulbs will be weaker, so they'll come out smoother each time.

Q - What can I take for pain?
A -
Over-the-counter pain relief options like Advil, Tylenol, and aspirin may help if taken before your appointment. Topical pain relief like numbing creams could reduce nerve pain from the impact of the pull. We recommend you use these as directed. If you use a numbing cream, you'll need to wash it off in the bathroom before your service so the sugar can stick to your hair. None of us are healthcare providers, so we can't prescribe anything.

Q - I'm on my period. Can I still come in?
A - 
Yes! Make sure to use a tampon or diva cup, so the sugaring technician can perform the service. Keep in mind, that some guests find they experience more discomfort during menstruation and some people don't, so the choice is truly yours. If you prefer to reschedule your appointment, please call us and we'll do our best to accommodate you.

Q - What if I’m not feeling well/coming down with something? Can I still get service?
A -
 Please reschedule as soon as possible if you're not feeling well. We want you to take care of yourself. Please try to let us know at least 6 hours prior to your service.

Q - I recently had a chemical peel, can I get sugared?
A - 
Wait for 6 to 9 weeks to sugar after a chemical peel. 

Q - Do you offer services other than sugaring?
A - 
 We provide Sugaring Hair Removal only.

Q - I have a skin reaction from sugaring what do I do?
A - 
Refer to our Skin Reaction page.

Q - Whom do I tell that something wonderful happened? Or something not so wonderful?
A -
Please share! We take your customer experience very seriously and welcome your feedback! Please contact us at or (206) 512-3033 and Customer Care will pass your feedback on.