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Service Commitment

Service Commitment


  • All our Sugaring Technicians are all licensed.

  • All our Sugaring Technicians received 100 hours of training in Sugar Plum’s specific Sugaring Techniques. With continuing education with our Director of Education.

  • Any indication of improper behavior or sexual suggestion will result in immediate termination of current and future services with any Sugar Plum staff, events, or facilities, and possibly result in legal action or prosecution. For further detail please see our Etiquette Policies page.


  • If some hair was missed after a client’s appointment we guarantee a Customer Touch Up Service. We request that you contact our Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 within five days of your service.

  • All touch-up services need to be completed within 14 days of initial service. 

  • We offer Fresh Follow Up Service to first-time clients. This is a complimentary appointment that is scheduled within 7-10 days of your first service. Go to our Fresh Follow Up page for further details.


  • Sugar Plum management and staff shall not be responsible for physical or medical conditions that occur should the client neglect to inform us of any stated or unstated medications, conditions, or contraindications, or in the event, the client fails to follow pre and post-care instructions. Additionally, the client agrees to hold Sugar Plum and its staff harmless of any damages that might occur from receiving services.

  • It is our expectation that as our client you will not be solicited for tips, nor encouraged to tip via cash, Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, and all other non-reporting financial services. Please contact our Customer Care at (206) 512-3033 if this occurs, it is illegal to earn tips and not pay taxes.

  • During their experience, clients have the right to set boundaries around conversation topics.

  • Every person deserves to be treated with respect. Raised voices, swearing, physical intimidation, signs of aggression, threats of violence are not allowed towards clients. 

  • In our studios, clients should feel safe--not belittled nor judged. Please contact our Customer Care at (206) 512-303 immediately if you have felt uncomfortable with a Sugaring Technician.