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Sweet & Sanitary


Sugar Plum Sanitary Protocols

The following is a list of cleanliness requirements practiced for each guest:

  • Sugar paste applied during a service is used only for that guest and we never double dip.

  • Biodegradable, nitrile gloves are required for handling sugar paste.

  • Both the used sugar paste and gloves are disposed of during that individual's service.

  • Tweezers, trimmers, scissors, and jade stones are cleansed in a barbicide disinfectant soak and then further sterilized in UV disinfectant.

  • Our treatment tables are sprayed down with a hospital grade disinfectant and covered with sanitized sheets between each appointment.

  • For every service, all linens - towels, wipes, and sheets - are washed in a bleach solution on high heat, to ensure they are completely clean.